▼about 公司介绍上水文化于2018年创立,是一家以英中文化交流主的跨国型文化传媒公司。上水文化立足于英国伦敦,根植于中国文化,利用区域优势,整合优质资源,致力于中国文化走向世界。上水文化团队的背景高度多元化,既具有国际视野,同时亦对于本土文化有深刻的理解。自成立以来,上水进行创新性尝试,搭建高规格和高层次的互动平台,出手即标杆,助力英中关系紧密发展的繁荣时代。▼mission 使命定制上水文化团队坚信每一位合作方,每一个项目都是特别、独一无二的个体,没有一种固定的风格、设计或形式能成为所…

about 公司介绍



H2O Media, founded in 2018, is a multinational cultural media company in the UK. We integrate high-quality relationships and resources to commit to Chinese culture and brand globally based on international background.

The diversity of H2O Media not only has an international perspective but also has a deep understanding of Chinese and British local culture. Since its establishment, H2O Media has made innovative attempts to build an interactive platform to help develop close cooperation worldwide.

mission 使命

Customized service 定制化服务



The mission of The H2O Media is to constantly challenge through communication and plenty experiences, to tailor-make the most suitable and creative one-stop solutions for international customers.

Focus on details 注重细节

上水文化团队认为细节是服务的核心,亦是服务的载体,细节的服务和执行是判断项目的最重要标准之一 ;因此,在各个层面最大限度把控细节是我们的目标。

The H2O Media believes that details are the core of the project. Therefore, our goal is to control details to the greatest extent at all levels.

Multi-field cooperation 多领域合作

“设计即是一切,一切皆为设计。”上水文化相信设计的边界是模糊、变化的,也是包罗万有的;在每一个服务层面都需要设计 - 这将使我们的生活更美好。

“Everything is for design.”H2O Media provides multi-disciplinary, all-encompassing design assistance to make our better life.